Ausbildung Textile and Fashion Seamstress in Germany

Do you like trying new dresses often? What if you create them all by yourself?

Take an apprenticeship program (Ausbildung) as a textile and fashion seamstress! 

Did you know that until 1830, all clothing was stitched by hand? A skilled sewist could sew 30 stitches per minute. 

Role of a textile and fashion seamstress under Ausbildung in Germany

You learn to sew bed linen, tablecloths, curtains and fashionable clothing during your apprenticeship (Ausbildung).

The first step is to produce the pattern images, or the instructions for how the patterns should be placed on the cloth, using a computer.

You print out the templates and attach fabric lengths to cutting tools.

You arrange them on the fabric so that the maximum number will fit, and cut out each component, firstly and then carefully.

The fabric pieces are put together using detailed sketches and embellished with buttons.

You’ll frequently work in a team during your Ausbildung training as a textile and fashion seamstress. 

Did you know more than 25% of the clothes in Germany come from China? 

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTSTextile and fashion seamstress training under Ausbildung in Germany

You learn more than needle and thread when you train (Ausbildung) to be a textile and fashion seamstress.

Machines do most of the work like cutting, ironing, and sewing.

You always have yarn, scissors, a knife, and a measuring tape at the ready, while working on the finer details.

A dual-vocational apprenticeship (Ausbildung) is required to become a textile and fashion seamstress.

You alternate between the training company and the vocational school.

You learn everything about operating different equipment and applying cutting templates and markings to fabric.

If you work for significant and small fashion firms or sewing studios, you will actively put what you have learnt into practice.

Ausbildung in Germany Occupations and IndustriesCareer prospects for a textile and fashion seamstress under Ausbildung in Germany

  • You can become a fashion tailor after completing an additional year of instruction as a textile and fashion seamstress.
  • As a textile and fashion seamstress, you can easily add a degree to your apprenticeship.
  • You might also pursue training to work in the textile sector as an industrial foreman.
  • You can become a technician focusing on garment technology.

KCR CONSULTANTS will help you with the apprenticeship program in Germany.

Create a brand-new type of clothing and change the fashion world!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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