Ausbildung Stage Painter and Stage Sculptor in Germany

Do you want to master sculpting?

You should take an apprenticeship program (Ausbildung) as a stage painter and stage sculptor!

Role of a stage painter and stage sculptor under Ausbildung in Germany 

For city and state theatres or opera houses, you mostly build scenery and scene and stage designs in this position.

You may also be eligible for acceptable job offers from film and television production businesses.

However, you are in demand in this field for more than just setting up these visible stages.

Sometimes, even the seemingly insignificant moments of daily life rely on your technological assistance.

Ausbildung Vocational Training in Germany.-KCR CONSULTANTSStage painter and stage sculptor training under Ausbildung in Germany 

The stage painter and stage sculptor Ausbildung training is a dual program.

During your three-year apprenticeship (Ausbildung), they expose you to theoretical materials at a trade school and hands-on training at the employer.

Sometimes they offer training by painting studios, film studios, or television stations, which you can support with television projects.

You choose a painting or sculpting speciality during your third year of Ausbildung training.

Your last year will focus on choosing the colour and prop painting or creating objects out of wood, plastic, and other materials, depending on your choice.

They examine the design, work planning and execution, economics and social studies.

Did you know that from the year 1912 to 1948, the arts of architecture, music, painting, writing, and sculpture were in Olympic sports?

Ausbildung in Germany Occupations and IndustriesRequirements for stage painting and stage sculptor under Ausbildung in Germany 

  • You don’t need a formal school-leaving diploma to work as a stage painter or stage sculptor.
  • A high school education gives applicants the best chance of landing an apprenticeship.
  • You should be talented in the arts because creative tasks require many talents like a passion for sculpture and painting.
  • Having good scores in math and science is advantageous, as are good grades in art and technology. 

Did you know that they frequently presented plays in market squares and in front of or inside churches in the Middle Ages?

Career prospects of a stage painter and stage sculptor under Ausbildung in Germany 

  • If you want to study more, you can do further training to become a technician where you specialise in paint and varnish technology.
  • You can add two years and undergo further training as a designer specialising in colour technology and interior design.
  • Once you have experience, you can apply for a bachelor’s degree in stage and costume design.
  • Once you have relevant experience in this field, you can complete further training and become a trainer, where you will learn how to develop tasks and carry out examinations.
  • You are also eligible to work as a freelancer in this field and have your business where you are self-employed.

Contact KCR CONSULTANTS now, and get counselling about the Ausbildung in Germany program.

Become a pioneer with outstanding skills to sculpt a jaw-dropping masterpiece!

All industries, sectors and businesses offer Ausbildung in Germany.You may choose the most suitable occupation from the All Occupation List.

Ausbildung in Germany - KCR CONSULTANTS

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