Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts: A Detailed Insight

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts also called Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Fachhochschule Dortmund) which is Renowned for its interdisciplinary approach.

It is committed to helping students succeed in school and in life by providing them with high-quality instruction, one-on-one guidance and an international perspective.

Fachhochschule Dortmund ranks among the top ten largest applied sciences universities in Germany with nearly 15,000 students.

With a curriculum rooted in hands-on practicality, students can choose from a vast array of over 80 diverse programs across Bachelor’s and Master’s levels across fields like computer science, engineering, business, social sciences, architecture and design.

It also has established international collaborations that allow students to develop a global perspective.

The university is involved in third-party funded research and boasts transfer projects, forging strong ties with local enterprises.

Beyond education, Fachhochschule Dortmund actively contributes to the region’s scientific and economic growth as well.

The university is a beacon for those aspiring for a holistic education transcending traditional boundaries.

Proceed With the exploring.

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The university has three campuses and they are,

  • Campus Sonnenstraße – Situated in the heart of Dortmund city
  • Campus Emil-Figge-Straße – Situated in the city of Dortmund, right next to TU Dortmund University
  • Campus Max-Ophüls-Platz – It is situated next to the B1 road and near the Westfalenhallen in Dortmund


Dortmund University of Applied Sciences places a strong emphasis on both teaching and research.

Prioritizing the quality of student education, the university is dedicated to turning research results and scientific findings into practical applications.

Being a cosmopolitan institution, the university is committed to its social responsibility.

Furthermore, it seeks to enhance collaboration and communication within its community, striving to foster a positive work environment and bolster mutual support.

History and Foundation

The roots of the Fachhochschule Dortmund can be traced back to the 19th century.

Over the years, it has evolved, merging with other institutions, to form the comprehensive university that stands today.

Through the passage of time, one thing has remained constant: its unwavering commitment to providing top-notch education.

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Courses and Faculties

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers a broad spectrum of courses catering to the varied interests of its students.

The faculties at the university include:

  • Faculty of Applied Social Studies
  • Faculty of Architecture
  • Faculty of Business Studies
  • Faculty of Computer Science
  • Faculty of Design
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Faculty of Information Technology
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Each faculty is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring that students receive both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

This approach is particularly beneficial for those who aspire to join the workforce immediately after graduation.

Courses Offered are:


  • Architecture
  • Business Administration
  • Business Logistics
  • Biomedical Engineering, Internship/Study Semester Abroad
  • Electrical Engineering, Internship or Semester Abroad
  • Energy Industry, Internship or Semester Abroad
  • Vehicle Development
  • Film & Sound
  • Finance, Accounting, Controlling and Taxes – Fact
  • Photography
  • Computer Science
  • Computer Science Dual, Dual Study Program
  • Information Technology With or Without an Internship/Study Semester Abroad
  • International Business / International Business Management
  • It and Software Systems, Dual Studies
  • Communication Design
  • Mechanical Engineering (Part-Time), Combined Studies
  • Mechanical Engineering, Internship or Semester Abroad
  • Medical Informatics, Dual Studies
  • Medical Informatics, Internship or Semester Abroad
  • Object and Room Design
  • Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Technology
  • Social Work
  • Social Work with a Focus on Migration – Integration, Dual Studies
  • Insurance Industry, Dual Studies
  • Business Informatics (Bachelor), Combined Studies
  • Business Informatics, Internship or Semester Abroad


  • Business Administration for New Public Management – MBA, combined course
  • Biomedical information technology
  • Business Management (three semesters)
  • Business Management (four semesters)
  • Digital transformation
  • Editorial design
  • Embedded Systems Engineering
  • Energy systems, full-time or part-time study
  • European Master in Project Management
  • European Master in Project Management – EuroMPM-IT-4
  • Vehicle development
  • Movie
  • Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation – Controlling & Digitalization (three semesters)
  • Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation (three semesters)
  • Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Taxation (four semesters)
  • Photography – Photographic Studies
  • Metal building shells
  • Computer Science
  • Information technology, full-time or part-time study
  • International management
  • International Project Engineering – MIP, joint study program
  • IT Business & Software Management, Integrated Professional Practice
  • mechanical engineering
  • Medical informatics
  • Orthopedic and rehabilitation technology
  • Architecture resource, part-time study
  • Social work: youth in theory and practice, part-time study
  • Social sustainability and demographic change
  • Urban development NRW
  • Scenography and Communication – Scenographic Design and Communication
  • Business informatics – 3 or 4 semesters
  • Business Informatics (Master), combined studies


  • Mechanical engineering
  • Business Informatics (Bachelor)


  • Architecture resource
  • Social work: youth in theory and practice


  • Business Administration for New Public Management – MBA
  • International Project Engineering – MIP, joint study program
  • Business Informatics (Master)


  • Computer science dual
  • IT and software systems
  • Medical informatics
  • Social work with a focus on migration – integration
  • Insurance industry


  • M.A. European Master in Project Management – EuroMPM
  • M.A. European Master in Project Management – EuroMPM-IT
  • M.A. International Management
  • M.A. Scenographic Design and Communication
  • M.Eng. Embedded Systems Engineering
  • M.Sc. Digital Transformation

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts-kcrconsultants- Global opportunities


Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts prides itself on its global outlook and it is also a cosmopolitan, intercultural and globally linked university of applied sciences and arts.

With partnerships spanning across continents, students get the opportunity to experience different cultures, methodologies and pedagogies.

From exchange programs to joint research endeavors, the university ensures that its students and faculty are exposed to a global perspective.

Some of the partnered universities are,

  • Turkey’s Bahcesehir University
  • Italy’s Fine Arts Academy Of Bologna
  • South Africa’s Durban University of Technology
  • Spain’s ESIC University
  • Australia’s International College of Management
  • USA’s Metropolitan State University

The university also provides scholarship programs.

Some of them are,

AMICUS Grant Program

Fachhochschule Dortmund offers international Bachelor’s students with notable academic performance a one-time AMICUS grant.

Eligibility requires earning a minimum of 20 ECTS points in a semester and participating in a prospective interview.

Graduation scholarships for Bachelor’s and Master’s students

International students at this university needing financial aid to finish their studies can apply for a graduation grant from the International Office, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service and the German Federal Foreign Office.

DAAD Prize for outstanding achievements and social commitment of international students

The university annually awards the DAAD Prize to an international student exhibiting exceptional academic achievement and social dedication.

This award, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service and the German Federal Foreign Office, is announced on the university’s intranet.


Research is a cornerstone at the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, just like other universities.

The university is deeply invested in fostering innovation and this is evident from the numerous projects that students and faculty members undertake.

Collaborations with industries, international partnerships and government-funded initiatives make the research ecosystem at Fachhochschule Dortmund rich and diverse.

The university focuses on three profile lines with numerous working groups, research projects and cooperation partners:

  • Intelligent Information and Communication Systems (IIKS) – This research area focuses on research in communications technology, applied signal processing and informatics, which spans medical engineering to automotive electronics. It also emphasizes information systems, embedded systems, robotics, medical tech informatics and human-machine interfaces.
  • Efficiency Technologies (EFF-TEC) – Rеsеarch in thе Rеsеarch arеa еmphasizеs sustainablе production, vеhiclе tеchnology and еnеrgy-еfficiеnt buildings, oftеn in collaboration with еxtеrnal partnеrs. It addrеssеs еmission-frее procеssеs, matеrials and transport tеchnology.
  • Social Changе: social and еconomic innovations – This rеsеarch arеa rеsеarchеs social and еconomic shifts, focusing on dеmographics, hеalth, migration and intеrculturality. Topics includе social sustainability, wеll-bеing modеls and еconomic govеrnancе.

Thе univеrsity also has two important rеsеarch arеas

Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts-kcrconsultants-industry opportunities


BioMеdicinеTеchnology is onе of thе major fiеlds of rеsеarch focus that aims to improvе mеdical diagnostics and assistivе tеchnologiеs in thе fiеlds of orthopеdics, mеdicinе, rеhabilitation and thе homе.

Mеdical Informatics

Anothеr major fiеld of rеsеarch focus is Mеdical Informatics which focusеs on Mеdical imagе and biosignal procеssing, as wеll as thе crеation of nеtworkеd applications and standards for intеgrating hеalthcarе bеtwееn hospitals, doctors’ officеs and patiеnts’ homеs.


Fachhochschule Dortmund offers a vibrant campus life that mirrors its dedication to academic excellence and holistic development, offering a plethora of activities for students.

Diverse Student Body: The campus is a melting pot of cultures with local and international students collaborating and interacting, promoting intercultural exchange.

Events and Workshops: The University conducts workshops, seminars and events to ensure students are exposed to the latest in their fields and can network with professionals and peers.

Recreational Facilities: The campus also boasts sports facilities and green spaces where students can relax, exercise or engage in recreational activities.

Support Services: Dedicated services for international students, counseling services and career guidance centers support students throughout their academic journey.

Library and Study Spaces: The state-of-the-art library and quiet study zones ensure students have the resources and environment to focus on their studies.

Arts and Culture: Art exhibitions, musical events and theater performances regularly take place, emphasizing the institution’s commitment to fostering creativity and artistic expression.

The university’s central location in Dortmund also means students have easy access to the city’s cultural events, entertainment hubs and other amenities, ensuring a balanced blend of academic rigor and leisure.


The goal of the university is to be the University of the Future.

The Dortmund University of Applied Sciences wanted to be:

  • Pioneer of digital transformation
  • a Campus International
  • a project-oriented and flexible university
  • a place of social responsibility


Graduating from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts opens up a world of opportunities.

Because of the university’s close ties with the industry, students often find themselves placed in reputed companies, not just in Germany but all over the world.


In a world, whеrе еducation is bеcoming incrеasingly commеrcializеd, Dortmund Univеrsity of Appliеd Sciеncеs and Arts stands as a bеacon of hopе.

Its еmphasis on rеsеarch, hands-on training and global еxposurе еnsurеs that studеnts arе wеll-prеparеd for thе challеngеs of thе rеal world.

Arе you an aspiring architеct, a budding dеsignеr, an еnginееr-in-making or somеonе with a passion for social sciеncеs? Fachhochschulе Dortmund providеs a еnriching еxpеriеncе that goеs bеyond thе classroom.

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